The Ringwood Educational Foundation, Inc. is now accepting Grant Applications for our 2016 grant cycle. The deadline for submission is April 8, 2016. Grants must be handed in to your building Principal no later than the deadline.
We encourage the participation of teachers and groups (subject area, grade level, etc.) in making proposals for projects or programs that are in keeping with the Foundation’s mission. It is not the intention of the Trustees to fund grants for items which are the direct responsibility of the Board of Education, such as text books, salaries, building construction or maintenance, changes to curriculum, etc. The entire Board of Trustees will review, discuss, and decide on all proposals. Grant approval or rejection will be advised in June of each year.
Grant recipients will be responsible for submitting all purchase orders to Deb Dittemer at the board office no later than November 30. After that date, the grant will expire and funding will be eliminated. If there are circumstances that prevent this, the REF must receive notification prior to the November 30 deadline.
Click here for an MS Word Form Grant Application
Click here for a printable PDF Grant Application
Thank you! If you have any questions, email Fiona Rose at